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Tulsi Drop is an ayurvedic medicine used as an "adaptogen" to counter life's stress.Adaptogens are plants that helps to adapt the body to stress and boost energy. Tulsi drop has a lots of benefits. It has super natural health curing qualities and helpful in all types of allergies. It keeps away from the deadly fevers like Swine Flu, Dengue, Malaria etc. The intake of tulsi drops is the best way of intestine cleaning.
North India Pharma Pvt Ltd (website: is an ISO 9001:2015 & GMP certified company manufactures and exports in all type of herbal and ayurvedic products. Tulsi Drop is a blend of goodness of five species of mother herb(tulsi) to serve its therapeutic benefits fortified with marvelous benefits of curumin and ashwagandha.
All the five Herbs when combined together forms a natural remedy for our daily lifestyle. It is useful in every diseases and infection like anxiety, high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome, respiratory infections, mercury poisoning and many more. Besides these benefits, this natural product is also a good blood purifier and even has anti-ageing,anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Just taking a few drops every day will give multiple benefits to you without any side effects.


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